Wednesday 12 September 2012

What is Durian?

Oh durian...where can I begin...

Durian is extremely popular in SE Asia and is referred to as the "King of Fruits". They are similar in size to pineapples, but much more deadly (people are killed yearly due to it's weight and sharp thorns covering the fruit *imagine falling onto head*).

These 'treats' can be seen in roadside stalls in many cities throughout SE Asia, and if you get the chance, you should definitely try one.

Durian is unlike any fruit I have ever smelled or tasted. The odor is pungent and smells something like vomit. The taste is slightly better. The fruit part (referred to as the pulp) is like a thick and sticky pudding that has been sitting in the sun for too long that covers a large seed. The taste is amlsot sickeningly sweet, but there was something about it that left me wanting more.

There is no way to be neat while eating durian. I was covered in yellow gook by the time I was finished gnawing the mush around the seed. I was eating it with an local kid and we kept laughing at each other for being so messy.

Since trying, I have also tasted durian popcorn and durian ice cream. Both of which made me cringe after tasting, but still ever-so-slightly left me craving more.

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