Wednesday 12 September 2012

Welcome to the Jungle - Taman Negara

Oh Jesus Lord...yes, the jungle. I went. I am alive. That's all that counts.

It actually wasn't as bad as I am making it seem. I had a nice detox time, and met some great friends along the way.

Detox you say? Well, let me explain. Taman Negara consists of a few hostels/hotels and floating restauants in this small little town in the middle of the jungle. The nearest city is about an hour away. In this town, there are a couple (literally two) shops to buy snacks (excluding alcohol) and nada of the restaurants (that we went to) served any alcohol. So the first night was none by choice, but by the second night I had a hankering for some beer, which was nowhere to be seen.

Upon arriving in Kuala Tembling, we took a 2.5 hour-long boat ride into the jungle. Along the way, I met and befriended 2 English girls and 1 Dutch girl. We all decided to stay together at the same hostel- Mat Leon Village.

Well, Mat Leon Village was one of the farther-out hostels, and to get anywhere we had to walk (in the pitch black night for almost a mile with one working flashlight). 

That night, we all had a tasty dinner of----fried noodles. The menu at every place was basically the same. It consisted of fried noodles or rice. My diet for two full days. Then 3 of us went on a night jungle walk. It was a little more touristy than I like, but we saw some huge spiders, millipedes, some deer, and....a wild porcupine?

The next day we all went on a jungle trek and canopy walk. We all instantly realized how out of shape we are and were laughing/panting/sweating the whole way up.

Lunch---fried rice.

Then we had a relaxing day/dinner and on our walk back in the rain we saw some wild boars run across the road in front of us. Too cool.

While we all had a great time getting to know each other/seeing the jungle, I think we all were a little happy to get out of our bug-spray smelling girls dorm and on the road again.

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