Friday 7 September 2012


My last day in Korea before my travels was a day full of mixed emotions. My coworkers and students made it great, but inside I felt numb for the first part of the day. The end at work was the typical "goodbye" party at Reading Star, chock-full of fried chicken and beer, speeches, and of course, tears.

Following that, my friends and I proceeded downtown (with beers in tow) for the final countdown. We all went to Wow n' Joy, a laid-back Korean bar, to enjoy some last lemon soju.

At 2:30 we realized it was time to go if I wanted to make my plane at 9am, so a few of my friends came with me to the bus terminal to send me off. Lindsay bought me some final gifts of dried fish, nachos, chocolate, and thankfully water.

After hugs and tears and laughs, I stumbled onto my bus leaving Gwangju *tear* forever.

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