Saturday 29 September 2012

rant- Indonesian Transportation

I had the worst 2 automobile experiences in my life on the way to and from my favorite town in Flores (will talk about town later....)

There are a few ways to travel in Indonesia:

1. Ojek- motorbike taxi
2. Bemo- Large bus with tinted windows that plays music as loud as it will go packed with many people
3. Public transportation/bus- have yet to attempt this
4. 'Travel' or public car- a car or van that stops and picks up people (like a bemo but less flashy/usually....usually more comfortable)

We rode by 'travel' to Moni and from Moni to Maumere.

I wanted to die. Both times. The first time, there were 9 of us in a 7 person vehicle. Ok ok, not so bad, but the guy sitting between us as honest to god the worst body odor I have ever smelled no exaggerating. To illustrate my reaction, I IMMEDIATELY accepted a cigarette and held it to my nose after it was out and I don't even smoke. I actually hate cigarettes. But that was the best thing I could have smelled at the moment.

On the way to Maumere, it was the car ride of doom. The driver almost killed every passenger along with every single driver on the road every time we would take a turn around the mountain. At least there was a rooster on board to humor me somewhat, along with Celine Dion belting in the background.

I hope Mondays plane situation is better than this. Fingers crossed.

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