Tuesday 12 February 2013


The Philippines was the final stop for my travels. I flew from Ho Chi Minh to Manila to Puerto Princessa and almost didn't make the flight---long horror story but it ended working out after tears and frustration.  I met a friend, Dan, in PP and we headed to Port Barton by motorbike right when I arrived. I had never driven a motorbike before, and we were driving HOURS north. The road leading to Port Barton (about 25km) was all rocky and muddy and even normal cars didn't drive on it very often.  We realized it was almost sunset so we raced as quickly as possible over this treacherous road until we hit the ocean. When we finally arrived I couldn't believe I was still alive and hadn't crashed my bike. Luckily we took a few days of R&R before riding again.

We stayed in Port Barton for 2 nights. The first night we wandered onto an outdoor dance party with Filipinos of all ages. The parents were drinking rum and the children were all dancing on a basketball court. We joined in both activities for a while.

The following day we met a couple who were going to a deserted island, all but for some tents for 'luxury camping'. We decided to go as well. It was a 30 minute boat ride away, and when we got there it was better than we ever could have imagined. There were 6 tents, each with their own bonfire pit that the staff lit every night, 3 meals served each day (which were amazing), a bed inside each tent, free kayaks, fishing equipment, snorkel gear, and a volleyball net. We were in heaven. We thought we might end up staying for a few days, but the second day we were there we got word of a monstrous typhoon heading to Palawan. The owner, his wife, and the other guests decided we all needed to leave if we wanted to like, not die.

Unfortunately we left and ended up back in Port Barton before the storm hit. Dan and I decided we should start heading back down to Puerto Princessa since it was on the opposite coast that was getting hit by the typhoon. On the ride down, we got a little adventurous so we stopped at these old little bungalows along the coast in a rural fishing village. We really were craving fresh fish so we walked down to the village with a case full of beers and offered to pay some guys $3 to take us out fishing for an hour. 3 guys took us out in this tiny fishing boat as the the sun was setting, and it was honestly the most gorgeous sunset I have seen in my entire life. We ended up only catching a couple fish that were too small to eat, but the experience was wonderful!

On the walk back to out bungalow, we stopped at a small 'restaurant' which seemed more like eating at a friends house. Then we got back exhausted from along day of driving and fishing and slept for only a few hours.
In the early morning, we heard rain pounding on the rooftop. The typhoon had arrived. We were both flying out the next day so we knew we had to make it down to PP to get to the airport. We both wore ponchos, rain pounding on us the whole way back.

When we arrived in Puerto Princessa, the rain had ceased and we rewarded ourselves with drinks and a very nice seafood dinner. We met some people Dan had met and had a drink with them.

The next day was a long journey to my next stop in the Philippines.